Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have a concern about my child?
If you have a concern, contact your child’s teacher right away (phone call, note to school, email). Open communication and trust are paramount to students’ success.
What is the PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization)?
The Parent-Teacher Organization is comprised of parents and teachers who work together for the children of Hillview. The PTO holds three general meetings per year, and encourages all parents to attend. Throughout the year, the PTO sponsors many events and fundraisers for parents to get involved in. Depending on
your schedule, you can volunteer an hour of your time, or chair an event. The PTO is always looking for volunteers and appreciates all of the parents who help.
How can I get involved?
You will be able to sign up to help out in the classroom during centers and class parties. Volunteering in the classroom is a great way to be a part of your child’s experience. During the year there are numerous opportunities to help out with special school-wide events occurring both during and after school. Some of these events include the ice cream social, sports night, holiday shop, spring carnival, etc. These events are sponsored by the PTO. Visit Hillview’s PTO webpage for further details.
What is BPT (Building Planning Team)?
The Building Planning Team (BPT) of Hillview Elementary School is a dedicated team of individuals who strive to improve the education of our children. The BPT consists of Hillview Elementary parents, teachers, staff members and the building principal. Through shared decision-making, the BPT strives to meet the goals of the district’s comprehensive educational plan. In addition, the BPT addresses educational and instructional concerns raised by parents, teachers, or administrators. You are welcome to share concerns that may be addressed by the BPT by filling out the parent input form (located on the website, or in the main office).
What is SST (Student Support Team)?
The Student Support Team (SST) is a team of professionals from Hillview who meet weekly to discuss academic, social, and/or emotional concerns regarding students. Classroom teachers refer concerns to the team and the team works collaboratively to brainstorm intervention plans that target academic, social, and/or emotional goals.
How are birthdays celebrated in school?
Each teacher at Hillview celebrates student birthdays in a special way. Communicate with your child’s teacher about sending in a treat. Your child’s name will be read over the announcements in the morning (summer birthdays are announced beginning in June). After a student hears his/her name announced, they report to the main office for a special birthday pencil. Also, students receive a birthday treat from the cafeteria! Please refrain from sending in birthday invitations to pass out in school. We want to protect the feelings of children who may not be invited.
Can I occasionally eat lunch with my child?
You are welcome to enjoy lunch with your child in our cafeteria. Although this is a social time for your children, parents can also visit with their children if they work shifts or travel often. Please sign in at the main office before entering the cafeteria and depart from the cafeteria.
How do I bring or pick up my child to/from school?
You bring your child in the main doors (on Transit Rd.) in the morning. If you are running late, please sign your child in at the main office. If you are going to pick your child up from school, please send in a note with your child in the morning. This notifies your child’s teacher and the office of the change. Please avoid last minute dismissal changes. Changes in dismissal plans the same day cause confusion for your child and can interrupt instruction. You pick your child up at the cafeteria at dismissal. You MUST sign your child out and you may be asked for picture ID.
Does Hillview have a school newsletter?
Yes! Be sure to check out “Hillview Happenings” each month. The newsletter is posted on the school website.